Monday, January 21, 2008


With 3-D in the 21st century finally making inroads into mainstream acceptance, it's nice to see some electronics manufacturers future-proofing their new TVs to display 3-D content.

Samsung and Mitsubishi have recently introduced HD DLP displays that have a port for an IR transmitter (for controlling 3-D shutter glasses) built in. You can read all about the technology here. The drawback is that field-sequential 3-D dvds won't work without a) playing them back from a PC over a DVI to HDMI connection, and b) play them through a special software program that will convert their field-sequential 3-D encoding into a new, checkerboard encoding pattern. You can read more on that by checking out the 3D DLP white-paper here. I was able to locate a program, called Stereoscopic Player, that seems to do the trick. Unfortunately, it's not freeware.

The upside to this is flicker free (60 Hz refresh rate for each eye) HD resolutions of 3D material (including video games when used with special drivers) on your HDTV.

The field sequential 3-D version of Frankenstein vs the Wolfman will be fully compatible with this technology. Now... where's our HD 3-D version of Beowulf?!